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Ten Years Gone By

Imagine if you had one full year to spend doing anything you have ever wanted to do, what would you enjoy doing?

Have you ever wondered where the last ten years went? (If 10 years if too long to focus on, replace it with 5 years, or the past year). Ask yourself this simple question: Are you now where you thought you’d be, looking back over the last ten years? If not, why not? Time is no respecter of persons. You’ll either control the goings on in your life; of life will definitely control your final destination.

People change, zip codes change, partnerships change, families change, and even fads change. What was popular then may not be as popular now. There will also always be people coming in (new births) and out (moving into another form of life) of our lives. This reminds us daily to enjoy each others company as we are able.

Opportunities come and go as we learn new life lessons.

So, what have you been doing for the last ten years of your life? Has it given you all the time, money, freedom, peace of mind and happiness you’d ever wanted to have? If you keep doing the same things over and over again, are you going to have what you want to have out of your life?

We all need to figure out a way, or find a vehicle that will actually propel us to have what we want, need or desire most out of life. What do you want? Why do you want it? When do you want it? How are you going to achieve it?

Don’t live in a land of broken dreams! You have limited time, so make the most of it. Live each day as if it was your last. Are you disciplined enough to be successful? Are you persistent enough to be successful? Time will either expose you or promote you.

If you have a passion for making real life change in your life, and in the lives of others, follow this link to find out how you can now create more of what you do want with that passion. You can have, be or do anything you focus on.

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